Many employees don’t realize that when they doctor up their resumes or they purposely make mistakes on their resume to make themselves look good, they are actually committing a fraud. It is indeed a fire-able offence if and when they are caught. Many employees tell white lies during an interview or on their resume and then they get hired. They wrongly assume once they are hired they are safe, but that’s not what the court says, and that’s not how employment law works.
Often, during wrongful termination lawsuits the employer will note that the employee lied when they were hired. And this will get the employer off the hook in a lawsuit, but not always. But if an employee lies about their abilities, they can expect to be fired if they fail to perform.
Lying on a resume is the same as lying in a business proposal, as you are misrepresenting the facts, like false advertising. You are putting yourself out to be something that you are not, in the hopes that you can trick the other party into giving you money. If one business makes a contract with another business and yet the first business lied about their abilities, then this is obviously a breach of contract.
The basic employment laws concerning these issues work the same way. Now often, an employee can merely say it was an honest mistake, and maybe it was or maybe it wasn’t, what it was; was a convenient mistake, whether it was a lie or not. And that just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to employees and the laws.
Please consider all this and act accordingly. Your resume should be absolutely flawless and the absolute truth. Please consider all this.